

  • Guide to trading and learn about Fundamental & Technical analysis methods (2X Sat & Sun and on weekly afternoon from Mon-Fri). Practice live trading-real money in the student’s account 1 session in 2 hours (hours).
  • Learn more deeply about technical analysis & capital management strategy in 3 months. Join unlimited live trading for 3 months. Join group chat for 6 months. Fee: Contact us for detail.
  • Learn more about trading strategies, control psychology, look for investment opportunities (Scan), how to monitor capital flows to stay ahead of the market. Join unlimited live trading for 1 year, join the long-term GIC chat group (3 years). Fee: Contact us for detail.
  • Learn & Practice live trading & Join unlimited Meditation courses to become GIC ProTrader. Have the opportunity to hold large accounts or funds from GIC’s clients. Have the opportunity to choose to settle in another country according to the student’s choice. Fee: Contact us for detail.

–>Please contact us for more course details

Investment trust

  • Indirect – the client hands over the account so that GIC ProTrader specialists perform trading transactions on the client’s behalf on the client’s behalf. You can choose from the following 2 methods: (2%/total amount managed, payable in advance +20%/profit) or divide by profit ratio GIC 40%, customer 60% (after 6 months) month will be renegotiated). In the event of a loss, GIC will not be responsible for the loss and GIC will not receive any fees. (If the customer has paid the previous management fee, it will be refunded).
  • Directly- Customers will deposit money into GIC’s account in the form of open-ended funds in pre-determined periods of 03, 06, 12, 24 months or longer with guaranteed profits from 12- 15%/year (with possible bonus depending on the successful trading results of GIC ProTrader).

Other services

  • Restructuring, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Consulting, depending on the size of the companies, the fee is from 5-10% of the value of the company after the restructuring & merger. Time to implement 3-6 months.
  • Restructuring & Raising Funds. The fee of 3-5% of the total value of GIC helps to successfully raise capital + (10-15%) shares. Time to implement 3-6 months.
  • Listing companies from Vietnam to the United States (Listing on the US market). The minimum fee is 1 million USD (depending on the size of the company) +10-12% of the shares after the company is successfully listed. Time to implement 3-6 months.